


Getting There Eventually: Finding Equilibrium in Uncertain Times Part 2 — Resilience is the North Star

This issue of The Bulletin is the second of a two-part discussion on the challenge of finding equilibrium amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lockdown.


Corporate Treasury Review Audit Report

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Equity Compensation Review Audit Report

This document contains two sample audit reports that can be used by auditors for assessing and reviewing an organization’s equity compensation process.


Internal Audit Manager Job Description

This tool contains two sample job descriptions that outline the responsibilities, key selection criteria and general information for the role of the internal audit manager.



This tool provides three sample planning memos, which serve as a report of an internal audit function’s high-level assessment of the company’s audit planning process.


Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

This tool contains two policies that establish guidelines and procedures an organization can follow for understanding and identifying its equal opportunity process.

Travel and Entertainment Policy

This tool contains two policies that establish guidelines and standards an organization can use for understanding and conducting business travel and entertainment expenses.


IT Continuity Review Audit Work Program

This sample audit program includes steps that can be used to audit an organization’s IT continuity process.

August 3, 2023


European Court of Justice Invalidates the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework

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This issue of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight poses 10 questions meriting consideration for most industries during the COVID-19 recovery.

Hot Issue Articles

Your Healthcare Organization’s Lifeline — A Business Continuity Plan

This article describes how healthcare organizations can be fully prepared to weather the current COVID-19 pandemic, as well as any future interruptions that may arise.

Telehealth — The Game Has Changed

This article outlines why healthcare services professionals will continue to see telehealth as a viable option for providing care during the COVID-19 crisis.

Featured Links

Disruptive Technology and the Role of the Auditor

This article reflects on today’s ever-changing world with disruptive technologies overturning the way organizations were traditionally run. Source: isaca.org

ESG’s Role in Managing COVID-19 Impacts and Risks

This article discusses key questions that should be considered in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) and risk management examination. Source: theiia.org

How COVID-19 Taught New Ways to Work

Changes once considered radical have become the norm in the accounting profession. Firm leaders share their lessons learned. Source: journalofaccountancy.com

CCH Tax and Accounting - Accounting Research Manager Updates

Weekly Summary of Accounting, SEC, and Auditing Developments

Popular This Week
Entity-Level Controls Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Internal Audit Risk Assessment Report
Internal Audit Performance Measures Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Financial Close Review Audit Report
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Upcoming Webinars
Using Advanced Analytics to Move into Continuous Monitoring

August 11, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific

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Going Public In Today's Markets

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COVID-19 Crisis Exposes Flaws in Master Data Sets
Cybersecurity Trends in 2023: What to Expect and How to Prepare
VoIP Audit Work Program
IT Change Management Policy
Email Policy
Data Center Review Audit Work Program
The 2023 Audit Committee Agenda: Asking the Right Questions
Data Governance Audit Scoping Memo
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